Museum of Weird Books of Weird Books

Magic in Frosting

John McNamara

KopyKake Enterprises, Inc., Torrance, CA 1984

The publishers are certain that you will find this to be the most different and complete book ever written and photographed on the subject of Figure Piping with soft frostings.

We think that you will find this book to be the most complete full-color book of ugly cakes that you are likely to see.


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In the introduction, the author tells us this book is designed to minimize lengthy and confusing word instructions. In fact, other than the introduction, there are no words, only colorful photos like these of the authors. Mr. McNamara is the originator of the world famous "Pink Elephant Cake," and holds Lifetime Teaching Credentials in the Art of Cake Decorating.


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Here we see the technique illustrated wherein small pink frosting blobs are built up to create various faces such as that of the politician, the bobby-soxer, and the dude with an afro.


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The same stick figure and blob technique can also used to create a horse, a deer, and a bull, all with weirdly distorted bodies and enlarged heads.


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In this very amazing cake, a blobular caveman pursues and is pursued by a carnivorous stegosaurus. Appetizing!


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I'm not sure exactly what is happening here, but those are supposed to be pink elephants (world famous!), and that's a champagne bottle.


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Let's see, this strangely shaped Hawaiian cake features a tiki god and lovely hula girl.


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Here's my favorite: a hamburger that's a cake that's a hamburger.


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